Saturday, February 26, 2011

Yet Another Pimp Gets The ZOT!!!

Today, yet another blog pimp rode the lightning.

The Free Republic thread on which his zotting occurred is no longer available, having been pulled when he was banned. Immediately before the thread was pulled, the pimp had posted a comment complaining to Jim Robinson (FR site owner) and the moderators about the pimp busters who had hijacked his thread.

The pimp, fromhardt, will likely not be missed.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

OMG....the horrible TRUTH behind blog pimps

They're black-ops gubmint plants!!!!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine Blogpimp message

On Valentine's day, the blogpimps wish to express their appreciation of all those who click on their blogs and help make their pimping lifestyle possible:

And to the pimpbusters, they just say, "Go away, creeps! I needs da money from ma hits!"