Jerks, fascists, haters, idiots, morons, racists, a-holes, democrats, liberals, sock-puppets, left-wingers, jacka**es, fake freepers, liars, brain-dead, dumb, children, nitwits, twerps, head-stompers, cretins, un-American, members, creeps, paid Soros plants, thugs, Giuliani supporters, Romney supporters, Pelosi-loving McCain supporters, Harry Reid supporters, Islam supporters, blog pimps, clowns, lowlifes, retards, losers, perverts, STD carriers, imbeciles, psychopaths, insane, queens, pansies, cross-dressers, goofs, wisea**es, dumba**es, jobless people, chumps, sick, pre-pubescent, illiterate, small-brained Neanderthals, irrelevant and intellectually dishonest.
SocksAPlenty and I both hold 'Soros plants' as our favorite one. Heh heh.