Friday, March 11, 2011

Some Names We Have Been Called

I was looking at some of the old blog pimp threads the other day and just for fun I decided to make a list (which is by no means a complete one) of some of the names that the Pimp Busters have been called by blog pimps:

Jerks, fascists, haters, idiots, morons, racists, a-holes, democrats, liberals, sock-puppets, left-wingers, jacka**es, fake freepers, liars, brain-dead, dumb, children, nitwits, twerps, head-stompers, cretins, un-American, members, creeps, paid Soros plants, thugs, Giuliani supporters, Romney supporters, Pelosi-loving McCain supporters, Harry Reid supporters, Islam supporters, blog pimps, clowns, lowlifes, retards, losers, perverts, STD carriers, imbeciles, psychopaths, insane, queens, pansies, cross-dressers, goofs, wisea**es, dumba**es, jobless people, chumps, sick, pre-pubescent, illiterate, small-brained Neanderthals, irrelevant and intellectually dishonest.

SocksAPlenty and I both hold 'Soros plants' as our favorite one. Heh heh.


  1. Probably half of those were from Suvroc10's zot thread a lone. lol.

    If I forgot one, feel free to add it.

  2. I got dibs on "insane" and "head-stomper".

  3. You can add "ugly" to the list!

  4. Look out, faggot boy Minn. There are different rules here and faggots like you, who regularly fellate blogpimps, get smacked around.

  5. Floyd said...

    "There are different rules here and faggots like you, who regularly fellate blogpimps, get smacked around."


  6. anti palin "grammer" police....

    Anyhoo, I'm going shopping for antiques, but I'll be back later to get smacked around.

    (Ooooo, I can't wait!)


  7. Mindy likes frou-frou dogs and punching out women.

    How ghey.

  8. I got called "butch" by a sissy boy.

    The irony boggles the mind.

  9. "I got called "butch" by a sissy boy."

    Sissy boy?! Ha!

    I tell you what, girly, as soon as I'm finished painting my toenails I'm going to tell you a thing or two.

    ("Sissy boy", pffft!)
