Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Dean Of Bloggers" Goes Abroad!

Yesterday it was announced by Mobile Vulgus himself
that he will be blogging remotely from beautiful
and sunny CANCUN MEXICO! This will be a working
trip for Mr. Vulgus, and here we proudly present
a partial synopsis of his busy itinerary:

Mr. Vulgus has expressed a desire to remain mostly
in bars or in his hotel room, the scamp!

More of the exciting activities Mr. Vulgus might
enjoy can be found at THIS LINK.

We certainly wish Mr. Vulgus a happy frolic in
this tropical paradise and hope he returns relaxed
and healthy. Blog on, Blogger!

~Warner Winkleheimer~


  1. I'm sure Mr. Vulgus will be in his warm-and-fuzzy happy place.

  2. This article is a disgusting peice of s#!**. You guys and your trash blog really suck. Morons. Go to h#!!

  3. To: Mobile Vulgus

    Wish I could join you, buddy. Some of those guys in the pics look pretty hot. You'll have a hard time behaving yourself, I'm sure!


  4. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.



  5. To Mobile Vulgus...

    The International Gay Convention?

    You lucky little tramp you.

    Bring back photos, please...

  6. He'll likely bring back more than photos.

    I'm told advances are being made in curing that stuff, though.

  7. Mobile Vulgus said...

    "This is a disgusting peice of s#!**."

    You call yourself a writer and yet you can't spell "piece"?

    Here, this may help you:

    Use i before e except after c or when sounded like a as in neighbor or weigh; and except seize and seizure and also leisure, weird, height, and either, forfeit, and neither.

    And by the way...You disguised the word "shit" with four symbols after the letter s ("s#!**").
    The word, "shit", has only four letters.

    You can't spell shit, can you?

  8. Fat Elvis said...

    "You can't spell shit, can you?"

    Oh, I think he can, but like all homos he gets excited just seeing the word in all its glory. He's saving himself for YIFFing with his special furry friend.
