Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Shunned Blogger Turns To Fast Food, Gay Sex

As we have learned, Mobile Vulgus, AKA Warner Todd Huston,
has been summarily banned from Free Republic. He's even
written a tearful and fact-bereft screed on his blog about it.

While it has been long known by many that Mr. Vulgus is, shall
we say, a bit swishy and inclined to questionable activities
involving overweight men in rabbit suits, we now see him
drowning his sorrows in flame broiled burgers. A strong
personality, Mr. Vulgus likes to have it his way. Often.

That's right, dear readers, Mr. Vulgus has taken up with
the notoriously creepy and openly gay Burger King.

Perhaps it was the condiments or the smell of flame broiled beef.
We know that the Burger King has his own brand of cologne.
Packed with pheromones, this cologne has brought better
men than Mr. Vulgus to their knees.

It also appears that the Burger King is pleased with
this new alliance, as he has now introduced a new offering
in his restaurant chain in honor of Mr. Vulgus.

We here at libertyprunejuiceflipnjokersweezlezipperflavornews
wish them both happiness and peace, solace from tears and
plenty of fresh condiments.

~Warner Winkleheimer~


  1. No surprise here. I knew he swung from the wrong side as soon as he outed himself as a DUmmie. You just can't trust homos.

  2. I think I saw Moby at the Burger King by Reliant Stadium last night.

    It was not a pretty sight.

  3. Was he attempting unnatural acts with Burger King? Was he accompanied by a sausage smoker or sausage stuffer? Was he in furry regalia?

  4. Floyd R. Turbo said:

    "Was he in furry regalia?"

    Of course! The only question is which of his several fur suits did he wear this time?

  5. "You just can't trust homos."

    Never turn your back on one.


  6. "The only question is which of his several fur suits did he wear this time?"

    The Teddy Bear Roosevelt one, I believe.

  7. "... we now see him
    drowning his sorrows in flame broiled burgers."


    I would've guessed, kielbasa and white gravy.

  8. What if he'd turned to fast sex and gay food, instead?

    [yeah, there's subliminal snarks in there]



  9. I wonder how ol' Moby, The Sausage King, Vulgus is celebrating the repeal of DADT, tonight.

    Eh, perhaps he's just enjoying a quiet evening at home, sipping white wine...

    ...and listening to his Village People album collection.
