Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's been a bad few days for blogpimps.

Actually a bad couple of weeks.
In some cases, I have sympathy. Growing up
beneath the powerlines has definite consequences.

Please feel free to post your recent examples
of blogpimps being bitch-slapped here.

Personally, I've seen them beaten bloody
on Free Republic lately.. got smackage?

There is this one feller over there named
"admin moderator" who has been thrashing
the pimps left and right. It's sad actually.

Which pimps have been slapped the hardest?
Which ones have been smacked most often?
Which ones need to be smacked more?


  1. Here's a pretty good one...

    To: damonw; humblegunner
    Blog articles belong in our bloggers forum. That is why we had to move this from our News forum.
    Are you Frank Gaffney? If not, is he aware that you are claiming here on Free Republic that you wrote his article?

    Courtesy ping to Humblegunner... errh Overlord.

    3 posted on Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:59:41 PM by Admin Moderator
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    "Which ones need to be smacked more?"

    It'd be much quicker to name the ones who ~don't~ need to be smacked more.

  2. This one's good...

    To: damonw
    We had to remove your name as writer of this article, the name of your personal blog and the link to your blog. Then we added the link to the actual source.
    Stop ripping off other writers and bringing it here!

    5 posted on December 8, 2010 5:41:36 AM EST by Admin Moderator

    Lots of feeling in that post. LOL

  3. " Which ones need to be smacked more? "

    All of them!

  4. Hot off the press! Another spanking for notorious blogpimp MaxCUA:

    To: MaxCUA
    When you take an article from another source and put it on your blog, don't link to your blog when posting here at Free Republic.
    Link to the destination source and give proper attribution.

    If you have an original writing on your blog you may post it here in the bloggers section and link back to your site.

    You can use the changes we made to this thread as an example.

    Thank you.

    9 posted on December 10, 2010 12:44:39 PM EST by Admin Moderator
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  5. Foozle said...
    " Which ones need to be smacked more? "

    "All of them!"


  6. Here I was awaiting Ragnarok and got Blognarok, instead.

    It's all good.



  7. I feel a disturbance in the Blog Force.

    The worst offenders are silent... are they planning something?

    Or are they simply beaten down into their holes?

    A warrior is defined by his enemy.
    I wish the pimps to FIGHT ON. Pimp on, Pimps!
    Have you no balls? Have you no conviction?

    HELL with Jim Robinson, PIMP THEM BLOGS!

  8. I don't trust the bastards. They're plotting. I can feel it. I think the two fresh meet pimps from today were just decoys. Too easy. Let's stay alert and watch for the main assault.

  9. To Cold Djinn: Ragnorok? Blognorok? What the hell?

  10. RagnArok.

    They don't have Google in Hell?.....:-P


  11. You are going to fit in so well down here, Miss Acid Tongue! Snort!

  12. Cold Djinn said...
    They don't have Google in Hell?.

    If it's anything like County Jail they ain't got pizza delivery either.

  13. Blog Pimp mused:

    If it's anything like County Jail they ain't got pizza delivery either.


    When *I* take over, there'll not only be a free AYCE pizza buffet, you'll have bottomless pitchers of beer.

    I'm a very benevolent tyrant.....:)


  14. Lucifer said...

    You are going to fit in so well down here, Miss Acid Tongue! Snort!


    Hope you know how to wield a mop, hoof boy.

    Yer gonna get demoted to Hell's Janitor....:-P


  15. I reckon I'll have to beat that right outta ya, too.

