Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blogger Goes Insane, Posts Lunatic Rant!

On the wildly popular conservative site FREE REPUBLIC a perennially troubled
blogger "MOBILE VULGUS" has apparently cracked and run completely off the rails.

Responding to apparent pressure for him to post his content in full
on Free Republic, the troubled and somewhat unhinged blogger had this to say:


Blog Police Creeps Are George Soros Plants
Vanity | 11/19/10 | Warner Todd Huston

Posted on Friday, November 19, 2010 11:54:46 AM by Mobile Vulgus

Blog Police Creeps Are George Soros Plants

For at least a month now a crew of three or four screen names here on Free Republic have been used to spam post after post all across the board. They have decided that they are Free Republic's police, they think they speak for the whole board, and have been attempting to drive people off this site. But are they real FReepers? Or are they something else?

It is pretty clear that they are being paid to do this by a George Soros-styled, left wing organization to spam FR, attack posters, and attempt to destroy this board.

If you haven't noticed these attacks (and they're hard to miss) these three or four posters swarm any post they don't like attempting to drive the original thread posters off FR. Additionally, when any other FReeper stands up for the original post these three or four screen names are used to attack those FReepers that dare oppose them. They call their attacks a "blogpimp" attack. Anyone that posts from a blog is targeted for destruction by these "people."

Do these just three or four screen names belong to real FReepers that think they know better than everyone else and imagine that they speak for everyone? Or are they something more nefarious? Are they really, in fact, a left-wing, astroturf effort meant to disrupt Free Republic?

Let's take a look at the methods of these screen names to see that their efforts are a perfect example of leftists methods…

Long-Term Plans
One of the many methods of these infiltrating leftists is to set up a screen name, use it for a while in a way that makes it seem as if the screen name is a normal poster. And then, ultimately, use the screen name for their actual purpose -- disrupting the board. This has happened on many other sites. It is a long-term project that these leftists engage.

Attack Times
The same three or four names pop up at all hours of the day or night. It's as if there is really a whole crew of people constantly monitoring FR for a post they can attack. It is a bit hard to believe that a real FReeper could be online ready to attack at 7AM, Noon, 9AM, 9PM, AND 1AM. But these screen names are used to attack at all hours of the day. It is easy to suspect that these three or four screen names are being used by multiple people in an organized campaign and we know the left has paid for crews that do this all across the Internet. The left posts fake messages on thousands of different websites a day and we here know for a fact that some of these leftists try their hardest to disrupt FR.

A Series of Lies
Like true leftists they employ always changing accusations of why the posts they are attacking is what they claim is a bad post. One minute they are claiming that an original post is "making money" off FReepers. Then when that is proven wrong they claim that the original post is "stealing" content from others and not original material. Then when that is proven wrong they suddenly find that their complaint is that the original post is asking FReepers to click offsite to see more information. Next they begin claiming that FR rules have been violated when they clearly haven't been. It is clear that there is no satisfying them because their complaints change nearly every day. Of course, the reason their complaints are ever changing is because they don't care about the complaints, they care about disrupting FR.

Name Calling, Attacking Others
Another example of the leftist methods of these screen names is abusive attacks, name calling, and belligerent behavior. These attackers have called FReepers vile names (especially "homosexuals") when they are opposed. They swarm any supporter of the original thread they are attacking and also follow them to other entries on FR to attack them there, too. This is typical leftist, thug behavior.

The Goal
One of the things these left-wing infiltrators claim is that they only want bloggers to post an entire post in FR and to stop FR members from clicking to blogs. But the real goal is to drive bloggers off FR in order to stop bloggers from talking to each other and to isolate conservatives apart from each other, stopping coordination and "fellowship," if you will. They want bloggers cut out of the major influence they've gained in this New Media era.

Yes, there is a whole lot going on here that should outrage an honest FReeper.

-They claim that FR rules are being broken. This is obviously a lie because the moderators have made no attempt to stop the sort of posts that these fake screen names are being used to attack. If the mods have made no attempt to stop these original posts, it is obvious no rules are being broken.

-These fake screen names have been used off FR, too. For instance one of the fake screen names was used to attack me and name call in the comments of my own YouTube channel. I had to delete the vile comments attributed to this screen name. So it is clear that these names are being used to attack other sites, too.

-These names have been used to attack posts put in the FR blog section. Yes, paradoxically this organized attack against posts from blogs is going on IN THE FR BLOG SECTION! Clearly they don't care about truth or honesty. Attacking postings from blogs in the very section in which they are supposed to be posted is illogical, but it is a good way to disrupt the board.

-Even when they are directly told by multiple FReepers that their actions are not wanted they then step up the attacks by creating oversized images and posing dozens of times in a thread.

-Also as they've been told by dozens of FReepers that their actions are not wanted and even as their complaints have been ignored by the mods they continue day in and day out to initiate these attacks. Clearly this is a whole program as any normal poster would have tired of this campaign after a month of their complaints being ignored by the mods. Who would put so much efort and time into such an organized attack without being paid?

In the end it is obviously all a left-wing , paid for campaign because of the persistence. After all, a normal, real poster if he didn't like a particular sort of thread would simply not click on them and read them. A normal person would avoid such a thread. But these fake screen names swarm every post they claim not to like, they do so dozens of times a day, they do so all together, and they do so multiple times on every post. THAT is an organized campaign, not just an honest poster miffed at another FReeper for posting something e doesn't like.

One guy obsessing about an issue is one thing. We all see one guy here and there that does this. But a whole crew of such obsessors? Hardly seems real, does it? No, it all smacks of an organized, left-wing, paid-for campaign.

The solution? Well, obviously ignoring them has been successful. After all, this paid-for campaign has resulted in no actions by the mods in favor of the campaigner's goal (that would be the elimination of many FReepers from the site). But the annoyance they represent is still disrupting every thread upon which they appear. The only other soution is to complain to the mods and report these guys, I suppose.

In any case, what ever becomes of this obviously Soros paid-for campaign, I thought it was something we should all be aware of.

Lastly, I'll use my own posts that these leftists have been attacking as an example. I have been a FReeper for five years and posting my original content every single day for almost that whole time. I have been posting the same stuff for five years and never once gotten a complaint until this last month or so. Only over the last month I've been attacked by these fake FReepers all of a sudden and all at once? As I said, this is an organized effort. NOT honest FReepers.

(I will not name the fake screen names in this post. They will reveal themselves in a few minutes after this is posted, so I won't have to name names here. They'll do it themselves, I'm sure.)


The full thread with sympathetic comments can be found HERE.

This is a very saddening and unfortunate thing to behold.
Many commenters on the thread have urged Mr. Vulgus to
seek professional help. Let us hope he does.


  1. A trip to the sanitarium would be good for Moby...

  2. I save lots of money living in someone's head rent-free.

  3. It's always sad when a "behavior challenged" blogger stops taking his Thorazine. Vulgar used to be such a pleasant blogpimp. He's really losing it now. Sad. He needs our prayers.

  4. Why are you guys picking on my buddy Mobile Vulgus!? LEAVE HIM ALONE!! Only a HOMOPHOBE would treat a gay like that!!! SHAME!

  5. Great work guys! The check is in the mail.

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  9. That Moldy Vulva guy is a loon.
    It's bloggers like him that muck up
    the works for GOOD bloggers.

    What a smacktard.

  10. Mister Vulgy had a mad
    It made him sore and very sad
    If he will come see me today
    We'll make him glad to be a gay

  11. Yes, he is a loon, an angry furry loon...

  12. You people will RUE THE DAY! RUE IT! You will
    wish you had NEVER BEEN BORN you SOROS FUNDED
    troll disruptaters! I am a SERIOUS WRITER and
    a blogger of INTEGRITY and worth! You DARE to
    mock ME at your very peril! SCREW OFF JERKS!

  13. Always so polite, aren't you MV?

  14. I don't care about f*&^%$% politeness you f*&$#@^ troll! You are an f*&^$!$ Soros plant!

  15. Goodness! Please do try and get a hold of yourself now, Moby!

  16. Don't you tell me what to do troll! Screw of you jerk!

  17. You all leave my friend Warner alone! I like his blog!

  18. Whoa! Calm down, Moody! You're going to have a heart attack.

    I'll be right back. I have an incoming call from Soros, my boss.

  19. Calm down!?!? I hope YOU have a heart attack you f^%*#!$ TROLL! STFU JERK!

  20. I've notified the moderator that Mobile Vulgus, a George Soros plant, is spamming the site with vulgarity.

  21. Hmmm...You seem to be my kind of person Mobile. Don't let 'em talk back to you...You tell 'em! And if that doesn't make 'em shut up, there's always *ways*.... heh heh!

  22. I just bought a couple of very nice ficus trees at George Soros Plants. They're having a pre-holiday sale.

  23. I can't #$@$ing help it if I'm GAY and like to wear fur suits!

  24. The rude dude seriesly needs some of those little yellow chill pills.

    I think I can hook you up, Moby.

  25. I find this whole affair to be a quite sad
    commentary on the state of blogs and bloggers today.

    If bloggers were paid a fair working wage for the
    material they reword and post, none of this "pimping"
    would be necessary. Instead, legitimate bloggers
    who, say, find and embed a video are forced to
    whore-out this sublime talent for a few pennies.

    It's undignified at best and degenerate at worst.

    With the advent of Federated United Council of Blogging Officials, Yiff! (FUCBOY), bloggers
    were accorded a set rate of pay-per-hit.

    The sad fact is that the public will not click
    on most blogs without being tricked into doing so.

    This must change.

  26. Sobering indeed. Moby has totally lost it...

  27. Lost it?!? STFU you leftist plant! YOU get lost you f*&%#@* JERK!

  28. Seriously...what IS your problem?!?

  29. Sounds like someone needs their junk touched.

    I have a cattle prod, it's the rechargeable kind.

  30. Hey! Moby is posting under two pseudonyms here. Isn't that against this blog's rules? I say kick out both the rump rangers.

  31. "Hey! Moby is posting under two pseudonyms here. Isn't that against this blog's rules? I say kick out both the rump rangers. "

    @#!$%^!!! ^&^%# ^&!^$ ()][) %^$!3@6!!!!

    [sorry...I thought we were all supposed to be using moron code, now]

  32. Foozle said "Goodness! Please do try and get a hold of yourself now, Moby!"

    I think he overdoes that already.

  33. "He needs our prayers."

    I'm not praying for ANYBODY who wishes a heart attack on somebody else.

    Let him fry in Hell.

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. Mobile Vulgus is not as good a blogger as me. My blog rules.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. Talkradio03 said:

    "My blog rules"

    Your blog is nothing compared to MY blog. What are YOU doing to fight Islam?

  40. You guys are lame. Everyone knows MY blog is the juiciest blog on teh internets!

  41. Talkradio03 said:

    "My blog rules"

    BS. Your blog doesn't have as much about Palin on it as mine does, so mine obviously comes out ahead of yours!

  42. Palin is fine, but does your blog have anything to say about the worldwide threat of Islamofascism? I thought not....

  43. MaxCUA said...

    "BS. Your blog doesn't have as much about Palin on it as mine does, so mine obviously comes out ahead of yours!"

    Yep. You found the mother lode of potential blog hits over on FR. Post anything about Palin, whether about her changing her toenail polish color, her struggles with constipation or perimenopause and thousands of FR women will hit that thread, often and hard. Many will faint in awe at their new female god.

  44. C. Logan said:

    "Your blog is nothing compared to MY blog. What are YOU doing to fight Islam?"

    Get a life. My blog covers lotz of topics, more than your limited blog does. And MY blog has more videos than YOURS as well...

  45. Talkradio03 said:

    "Mobile Vulgus is not as good a blogger as me"

    Liar. STFU you stupid jerk.

  46. Bob J. said:

    "You found the mother lode of potential blog hits over on FR."

    Yep. It sure is great!

  47. Suck on this post where I slam you back with Jim Johnson you #$@%& Soros creeps:

    [Note to FReepers. Jim Robinson finally told me his stance on this whole "blog police" issue. He gave me three choices. I could bow to pressure from this small handful of blog police posters and do what they say ignoring the many supporters I've had, I can continue posting the same way I always have and just ignore the complainers, or just stop posting here altogether. That is clear enough and he's the board owner. And so, all Blog police inanities will not be responded to from this point forward and I'll keep posting like always. They will be ignored per Robinson's request. This notice is to explain what I am doing going forward. I will post this notice on the next few posts and then will drop the matter.]
    1 posted on November 23, 2010 11:20:04 AM EST by Mobile Vulgus
    [ Post Reply | Private Reply | View Replies | Report Abuse]

    See how I twisted Jim's words to suit my needs? Hahaha! I'm so clever I scare myself! Let that be a lesson to you #@$%& fools and Jim. I AM the web's most respected blogger and you @#$%& fools need to get used to it.

    BTW, I don't have a combover or a toupee. I have real hairplugs made from fur that fell off my furry suit during a particularly aggressive yiffing session.

  48. Bump to that aggressive Yiffing session. W00t!

  49. To Blogpimp:


    Yiff my URL!

  50. This blog is trash. You guys need to get a life. My blog actually has meaningful stuff on it, your is just full of crap.

    Oh, and quit posting on MY threads.

  51. C. Logan said...
    "This blog is trash. You guys need to get a life. My blog actually has meaningful stuff on it, your is just full of crap.

    Oh, and quit posting on MY threads."

    Freakin' moron. You are no better than the other 10,000+ blogpimps that have infested FR. Your blog is meaningless, and by extension, your life is meaningless, since you have dedicated it to blogging.

    Oh, and STFU about "MY threads." They're not your threads. They are FR threads and open to posting by all FReepers.

    Freakin' whiney little homo, that's what you are.

  52. Floyd R. Turbo said:

    "Your blog is meaningless..."

    MY blog is a lot more meaningful than this retarded blog. Loser.

  53. To C. "Homo In Action" Lagoon:

    Yeah, your crap blog is meaningful to all 10 of your readers - 5, if you exlude your immediate family.

  54. MY blog has a LOT more readers than YOUR stupid lame blog you troll. MY blog actually has interesting information on it. Yours is just scummy junk.

  55. C Logan said:

    "MY blog has a LOT more readers than YOUR stupid lame blog you troll. MY blog actually has interesting information on it. Yours is just scummy junk."

    Figures that a faggot like you would be obsessed with my junk. Forget it. I'm 100% normal and find faggots like you disgusting. Bleagh!

    Although, strangely enough, my profile seems to indicate otherwise. Odd that.

  56. C. Logan said...

    "MY blog has a LOT more readers than YOUR stupid lame blog you troll. MY blog actually has interesting information on it. Yours is just scummy junk."


    Oh! Yet another fiery arrow through the heart.
    We can bear no more.

    Take your leave of us O' Shakespeare of the blogosphere, before your profound conveyance of thought slays us all.

    (You are truly literati.)


  57. You all ARE stupid leftists. Probably not Soros paid as Mobile Vulgus suggests, but agenda leftists all the same.

  58. "ignoring the many supporters I've had"

    Name them.

    It shouldn't take long.

  59. C. Logan said...

    "You all ARE stupid leftists. Probably not Soros paid as Mobile Vulgus suggests, but agenda leftists all the same."

    Not so loud, brother, not so loud.
    Your Taqqiya is showing.

    BTW - I didn't want to mention this in public, but your last check to bounced.

  60. bile and vulgarity said to Floyd R. Turbo...

    "Calm down!?!? I hope YOU have a heart attack you f^%*#!$ TROLL! STFU JERK!"


    Psychosis hath made his masterpiece

    I don't know how, but I had missed this post of yours until now. And I say that only a verminous, sewer dwelling, son of hell would say such a thing to a human being.

    You are the antithesis of good breeding, proper education and good manners. Both of your parents must have been jackals and it would be a safe assumption that you were raised in a bordello.

    If you were on fire...I wouldn't waste the contents of a night jar on you.

