Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Where Do Some Of These Blogs Come From?

Let's face it, there are millions of blogs out there
of all different flavors. There are lame ones, stupid
ones, dishonest ones and even three or four GOOD ones.

Where do they come from? Who writes them? Why do they exist?

We here at Libertyprunejuiceflipnjokersweezlezipperflavornews
present this shocking expose' on the horrific conditions under
which some of these bloggers labor, as well as the shocking
lameness of some of the bloggers themselves.

As you our dear readers can see these unfortunate and semi-literate
folks produce these blogs under duress of the worst kind. They
are fed substandard food and forced to crank out screed after
screed regardless of the presence of subject matter. Shocking.
We have learned that they are deprived of sleep and even sanitary
facilities unless they gain a certain "hit-count" for the day.

Apparently they are divided into sub-groups by the evil Blogmasters.
Some are compelled to steal videos and pimp their blogs pretending
the videos are their own.
In the sweat-shop that was investigated we found examples of this
among the following blogs:

"Hapblog" (Which attempts to steal the name of a real publication)

"governorpalin4president" (Which attempts to capitalize on a popular political figure to pimp for hits)

These examples shamelessly rip off videos, write a short and often
poorly composed teaser and then attempt to entice folks to visit
their blogs in order to view a video they had nothing to do with.

If they were not forced to do so, would they still engage in such
scummy behavior? We prefer to think not. Who would stoop so low?

Other bloggers observed in this horrid environment are of a different
type. They produce semi-original content by re-wording actual news
stories and adding a bit of questionable and poorly written commentary.

Examples are "Liberty Juice" which "comments" on
a variety of subjects but actually states nothing new.
Also "Logan's Warning" which uses the popular topic
of Islamic expansion to pimp recycled stories easily found elsewhere.

Perhaps the saddest of this type of blog pimps is "Publius Forum" which actually sports
the occasional surprise of decent writing.
Unfortunately readers are subjected to excerpts on the venues where this
blog is pimped. Blog hits are more important than the message, according
to the evil blogmasters that compel these unfortunate bloggers to engage
in this illicit and no doubt humiliating behavior.

We at Libertyprunejuiceflipnjokersweezlezipperflavornews wish there were
something that could be done about this situation. No decent person should
be forced to endure such appalling conditions and treatment.
Alas, we have not the power. Perhaps this will change.
One may hope.

~Warner Winkleheimer~


  1. I think most of these bloggers own at least one fursuit.

  2. This is terrible! Terrible! You are right! Who would do such crummy things except under duress?

  3. There are other types of bloggers besides the sweatshoppers. Perhaps you've forgotten the mom's basement types like Useful Info Nation or ElvisNixon.

  4. The ninth circle of Hell?

    [just a wild assed guess]

  5. "Who would do such crummy things except under duress?"

    Or even under durpants, for that matter.
